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Please, please don't get abandoned


I liked the demo version so much! 

I'm looking forward to the full version to enjoy the gorgeous game. 

When will the release be? 

And will the game be on Steam?

There is no offical date as of now and the game will be on steam from my understanding. 


Is this game still coming out? Its been a while since I heave heard anything... 

I loved Sinsations, and  the Demo for Sinsations 2 was even better!! 

I really hope they get released in Sept like the Kickstarter says.. 


The game is still coming out, if you would like more information please join the discord. They announced why the game is taking a while and as the backers on kickstarter would know there is no official date as of now but there is some slow progress. For now all the community can do is wish for whiteheads speedy recovery and overall health to improve.


I love the demo so much!! 🥹 I absolutely can't wait for the full version. I love Tech so much


So, if I pick up Kosuke I can't romance anyone new, just flings?:(

I don't know if I am doing this right but when it asks me to chose a god to go after first it keeps selecting media (I picked sloth for previous game when prompted)


Ooof... Maverick looks so devastatingly hot and handsome. As the embodiment of Lust, he certainly fits. But at the same time, I was hoping he was one of the love interests. I have a hard time relating myself to the main character if they happen to be hot, so I'll still pick Kosuke :p

Unless... Kosuke could romance him somehow heheh

Hey Team,

Can we hope for a release soon?

Excited to play.


Do we have any updates on possible release?


Hi there! 

The main game's paths and artwork are done, we're working on the Kickstarter rewards and backer paths now ^^

The release is hopefully happening this year but I haven't quite nailed down a date yet. I'll keep everyone posted!



I kinda miss the old art looks because I didn't recognized Kosuke


Understandable; unfortunately the old artist is no longer with the project, so had to go with a new artist.


ah I see that's sad but hey I it's just a art style I need to get used at


I’m so glad that l can see the demo of v2 and I love the new art looks very much. For reasons everyone knows, it is difficult for me to get access to sinsations on Steam or itch in my country. I found there was a website called Jastusa acting as the publisher and sinsations v1 was available on it. After purchasing and downloading the game file, I found it was ver. 1.0.6 without game guide. I’d appreciate it if you could make it up to date on Jastusa during the hard development process of v2. For my part, I wish I could see sensation v2 being available on Jastusa in the future(because of its convenient pattern of payment in my country). Feeling sorry to disturb you guys with my poor English.🥲

i love the new art looks. can't wait for Kosuke x Mav moments :)


Thanks ! I'm glad you like it 💕

Im dumb its Just Released in 9 days Ago but in my Mind Saying when is the nexts Update Btw thank you for Jishu Kyaaaaaa

Jishu is one of my favorites ❤

Thank you very much for the demo! I am very excited to try it, the concept sounds awesome.


Of course! I hope you like it ❤

consumption? like disease?

Not like the disease, just consuming ( ^^)/

so gluttony

or the market

one verbal "typo" on mavericks route with tech. the sentence says 25 hour fitness. he says 24 hour fitness. other then that minor thing, absolutely loving it

24hour / 25 hour happened again. then game crashed at the boba bee when he was telling me how much the order was.

Thanks for letting us know about the 24/25 hour fitness issue. We will look into getting that corrected.

As for the crash you ran into, can you tell me a little more about it? Are you playing the Windows build or Mac build of the game? If you restart the game and go to where it crashed, does it crash every time?

This will help us investigate what is going on and try to find what caused the crash since this is the first crash we've seen after having gone through the demo several times testing everything.

windows surface pro 5 (i5 version). does not keep crashing in the same spot, but the game does keep crashing. and not getting an error report with it. so far been happening on both routes.  

Thanks for the info. If you could let me know how much RAM your surface pro has (4GB,8GB, or 16GB), that will help us with some testing to see if we can replicate the issue.

had to double check the ram, it is 8gb. sorry about not posting it the first time,

Im loving the demo but im just missing 2 cgs and can't figure how to get them ones on page 5 second middle row and 1st one on toe top row on page 6

Nevermind i believe i figured it out lol

Hehe I'm glad you like it! ❤

How did you get these two CGs? I can't figure it out.

Ya i got them let me see if i can help you do u have android or iPhone

Awesome, thanks! I'm playing on a laptop.

(2 edits)

ok so this is how to do it

1. Open your files explorer 

2. Click the download button 

3. Right click on the Halloween Cg u download from kickstarter and click extract all and that's It and if you have more questions message me back 

\o/ OMG YES!! I looooved the First one i can't wait for the 2nd one, Kosuke I love him XD the voice actor is amazing for him so prefect but i will understand if it's a different voice actor <3 as well keep up the awesome job guys \o/!

Aw thank you! Kosuke has the same voice actor! We have almost the entire original cast ( ^^)/

\o/ YES tyyy <3!



Hi Shinslover,

The full game is not released yet, we just have a demo currently. We'll update this page with news about the full game as it happens ( ^^)/

Important question, will this new protagonist be able to both top and bottom as well?


Maverick (new protagonist) is only top, but makes up for it in other ways ;P


Bit of a shame that one, but I'm still as excited for the game as before ^^

looking forward to this

Aw thanks Drayth <3

(1 edit) (+1)

Damn, looks promising. You guys really are the best.

By the way, yeah where can I download the demo?

We plan on making the demo available when the Kickstarter goes live, which is currently planned for Wednesday in the US. We just got the demo page up and ready in anticipation :)

Thanks for the heads up ^^

This looks like it is going to be awesome! Love it!

where can i download the demo this im so exited for the 2nd ver

You will be able to download the demo from this page when the Kickstarter goes live on Wednesday in the US :)